While we use many different definitions to describe God (like Friend or Savior) God is one being. God is all powerful, all knowing, he is everywhere at once and has existed and will exist forever. He created everything in the universe. While God is one being, he reveals himself in three persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For further study check out these scriptures: Deuteronomy 6:4, John 8:54-59, Genesis 1&2, and Matthew 28:19.
Jesus is the Son of God. He came to the world through a virgin birth, He lived a sinless life and performed miracles. Jesus died on a cross, was buried and then was resurrected. His perfect life, death and resurrection was all because of his deep love for the world. If we choose to believe all of these things then we can start a relationship with God through the sacrifice of Jesus. Here are some scriptures that talk about these things: Matthew 1:18-23, Hebrews 7:26, Acts 2:22, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Matthew 28:1-6, Acts 1:9.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is given every follower of Christ. When the Holy Spirit is in our lives there is evidence. This evidence, in scripture, is called fruit. The Holy Spirit also gives us supernatural gifts which are designed to strengthen our faith and to make a difference in the life of the church. Scripture tells us that we are to seek these things through prayer. Here are some scriptures that talk about The Fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11,12:31, 14:1, 14:26-33 and 13:1-13.
The Bible
The Old and New Testament were inspired by God, and written by people on earth. We believe the canonized Bible is the only book that is directly inspired by God. Because God inspired the Bible, it is perfect. It is also the ultimate authority in how we are supposed to live on this earth.
We were created in the image of God to have community with Him and represent Him on earth. However, through a willful act of disobedience, we were separated from Him. The Father sent Jesus to redeem us through an act of atonement which culminated with Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. This gave us the opportunity to trade our sin for His righteousness through faith. Jesus’ sacrifice is the only means for our salvation and reconciliation with the Father.
Community of Faith
There are two important rituals that are important to our Community of Faith. People who are introduced to faith in Jesus are told through scripture that they are to join the church family through baptism. For Gen U, we believe in baptizing by immersion in water. Scripture that instructs us to baptize new believers is found in Matthew 28:19.
As a church family we also regularly share communion together. Christians are instructed in scripture to regularly take a piece of bread and a drink of wine (in our case grape juice) in order to remember what Christ did for us. The bread represents Jesus’ body that was beat and broken for us and the grape juice is to represent the blood of Jesus that was spilt for us on the cross. You can find the story of Jesus giving this instruction in Luke 11:14-23.
The Church
The church is not simply a building where people go on Sunday morning. The church is a group of people that make up the church family. As the body of Christ, we are to worship God together, tell others about Christ, and equip others to do the same. Here are some scriptures that talk about this: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, 1 Corinthians 12:13, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 4:11-16.
The Future
In the end of all things, Jesus will reign eternally. He will judge His creation according to the character that has been revealed to us through His word with justice and mercy. Those who have found salvation through Jesus Christ will enjoy His presence forever; those who have not will be separated from God for eternity.