If you want to be a part of what god is doing at Genu and make a difference then we invite you to growth track!
Growth Track is a three-part experience that happens after Sunday morning service. It is designed to help you grow in your relationship with God and with Generations United. Each experience lasts less than 20 mins and childcare and snacks are provided. Once you complete Growth Track, we will invite you to become a member at Generations United, ask you to make a difference through the Dream Team and help guide you to a Small Group that will help you grow!
Below is a summary of each Growth Track and the best part is you can complete it at your own pace! Growth Track restarts at the beginning of each month.
Learn about our history, our mission and values. Learn who we are as a church and how you can be a part of it!
Discover how God designed you with gifts, personality and abilities to make a difference for his Kingdom
This is the final step where we will ask you to become a member of GenU. You will also choose a Dream Team to make a difference with or get help in choosing the right small groups to try out!