Halloween on the Hill

Halloween on the Hill has been a favorite in our community since it started back in 2012, and it's all about bringing joy and unity to families. Halloween on the Hill is our way of giving kids a safe and fun alternative for Halloween. We've got trick-or-treating, carnival games, bounce houses, and more. It's a secure environment where parents and their kids come together for a great time and lots of candy, all while building a stronger sense of community.

Your support goes a long way in covering the costs of putting together Halloween on the Hill helps make this event a massive success while getting your business noticed by a fantastic community. We greatly appreciate you being a sponsor. Your generosity won't just benefit the kids and families in our community; it'll also help get the word out about your business to a wide and appreciative audience. Together, we can keep creating unforgettable moments for our community.


Two Payment Options for Sponsorship:
1. Mail a check for $500 payable to Generations United Church, 108 Hwy 85 N, Niceville, FL 32578
2. Pay via credit card (you will be automatically redirected to the online payment after completing the form)